2019 Book Wrap Up: Best Books of 2019

This is another year end wrap up on my choices of best and favorite books and all things book related. This year I read 217 books. My best year yet. Many people ask me how you can enjoy books by reading so many, simply put, I enjoy books period because books are my life.

Year End Wrap Up Checklist:

My Top 10 Reads Published in 2019
My 10 Favorite Reads from all Years that I read this Year
My 5 Favorite Rereads
Best New Author Discoveries (First published book)
Top 5 Honorable Mentions
Favorite Article I Wrote This Year
Top 10 Booktubers
Top 10 Writers you Should Be Reading
Best Debut Author
Book that Blew Me Away
Choice of Book Everyone Should be Reading
Most Anticipated 2020 Books

Of the 217 books I read this year. I was more comfortable this year with my reading than any other I can think. Meaning most all the books I read I loved or at least got something from them to remember or to return to them again to reread down the lane of time. I only DNFed 4 books. Longest book I read was over 2 thousand pages. Shortest book was 298 pages. Of the 217 books, that is meaning book form, that is not counting Novella's. I read 93 novellas this year. So 217 books plus 93 novellas total 310 reads, a great amount of reading. My best year yet. 

Most of my books that I read this year was E-Book form. I spent an average of 0.99 cents to 4.99 on each eBook. I am also a subscriber to Kindle Unlimited through Amazon and so most of my books I read through that also. In published print form I spent $386.00 dollars adding 97 books to my to be read pile in print form which totals 197 books as of this writing. 

So, without further delay let’s get started:


Top 10 Reads: Books Published in 2019

In Order after Pictures

10. Crisis in the Red Zone by Richard Preston. His first book on Ebola The Hot Zone is one of my favorite books of all time and is one of the scariest books you will ever read. This one here is also truly eye opening and downright scary reality.

9.  Trekachaw by B.R. Flores. A new author. This is his first book and I have to say it truly stuck out and left a lasting mark on my imagination. A great sci-fi novel. MY REVIEW

8. Midnight in Chernobyl by Adam Higginbotham. One of my favorite history subjects is the horrible reality of Chernobyl and this book is truly dynamic in the history department and showcases this horrible moment in time.

7. I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver. Beautiful. Touching. Dramatic and something that touched my heart, held it. I loved this book. I loved everything about this book. This book made me smile, laugh, be touched and teared me up.

6. Midnight in the Graveyard. A wonderful collection of stories that will haunt your nightmares.

5. The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides. Pure awesome. A great modern Hitchcock style novel. This has all the trademarks and freshness.

4. What the Wind Knows by Amy Harmon. A wonderful story of time travel and history. A love story and a story of dramatic drama that touches the heart and the mind and never let’s go.

3. Walk the Darkness Down by John Boden. John Boden, I declare is a god of writing. His imagination and detail captured in anything he writes is total mastery and perfection. Walk the Darkness Down is brilliant, and I will scream that out at the top of my lungs, absolutely brilliant.

2.  We Live Inside Your Eyes by Kealan Patrick Burke. What can be said about this master storyteller that has not already been said. If your ever need your imagination tickled, raped, and brutalized then you need this master writer in your life. Burke is someone that never fails me. Someone that always masters each word that I read from his vast array of books. We Live Inside Your Eyes is no different.

1. ME by Elton John. I love a good biography. I love a good true story and ME by Elton John is that biography that you should read. Rocketman is one of my favorite movies of the year and this book is my favorite exploration of an iconic persona. Elton John is a master musician, and this is a masterly written memoir that leaves a wonderful lasting reality for the reader.  


Top 5 Honorable Mentions:

5. AutumnCrow by Cameron Chaney

4. Night Shoot by David Sodergren

3. The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead

2. Brides of Hanover Block by Gregor Xane MY REVIEW

1. The Cult Called Freedom House by Stephanie Evelyn


Top 10 Favorite Books I Read from Any Year this Year.

10. The Simple Faith of Mister Rogers by Amy Hollingsworth. I grew up with Mister Rogers and I tend to read anything and everything about this amazing one of a kind man and this book truly stood out and is worthy to be placed upon this list.

9. Killers of the Flower Moon by David Grann. A great True Crime book that gives a part of History and a dynamic reality of life and death and the investigation in Crime.

8. The House on Foster Hill by Jamie Jo Wright. Jamie Jo Wright is one of the greatest storytellers around today. Her unique approach with in-depth imagination makes all her books shine brightly. MY REVIEW

7. I Heard you Paint Houses by Charles Brandt. A wonderful True Crime Gangster style reality. The movie is on Netflix now with amazing actors, but I say read the book first, the book is more in-depth and more dramatic in grabbing you.

6. The Ragged Edge of Night by Olivia Hawker. A touching true story during World War 2 that really plays with your heartstrings. MY REVIEW

5. The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah. Hannah is a god of lit. She masters her words and imagination in great details. She wrote one of my favorite books of all time The Nightingale. This is another wonderful story that should be read.

4. Becoming by Michelle Obama. One of the greatest memoirs ever written. One of the greatest female voices alive. This is truly a touching experience of a book that really should be required reading.

3. Winter Loon by Susan Bernhard. A wonderful coming of age story. A tragic and intense exploration of life. A truly touching and brutally honest exploration of one child’s horrible life and his development. A must-read novel. MY REVIEW

2. Burial Rites by Hannah Kent. I cried so hard in this book. I brutally was consumed by the story. The final pages broke me and has forever etched itself into my mind. MY REVIEW

1. City of Night by John Rechy. One of my favorite eye-opening experiences reading this year. Vivid and very frank.


Top 5 Favorite Rereads I read this Year:

5. Bay’s End by Edward Lorn. This was my 3rd time reading this wonderful coming of age style reality horror. I reread all his books this year to write my Author Spotlight on him. I think Edward never gives himself enough credit as a writer. He is an imaginative soul that creates stories that lingers with you. Sadly, he took his books down this year from Amazon and I think that is a true shame.

4. Survivor by J.F Gonzalez. No matter how many times I read this, it shocks me to the core. This is my 3rd time reading it and it brutally rapes me. This is one of the goriest, vilest and darkest books I have ever read. True brutality. MY REVIEW It is so sad we will never recieve another book by J.F. Gonzalez, may he rest in peace.

3. Heartsick by Chelsea Cain. This is one of my all-time favorite Serial Killer books ever written. This is my fourth time reading it and I love it just like the first time. I think it’s a must-read experience for any lover of great twisted storytelling. MY REVIEW

2. The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury. Still one of my favorite Sci-fi novels by one of my favorite authors of all time.

1. The Bleeding Season by Greg F Gifune. One of the greatest underrated novels out there. This is my 2nd time reading it and it gets better each time. 'MY REVIEW'


My Favorite Article I wrote this Year

Author Spotlight: Edward Lorn

Click Here to Be Redirected to Read my Article on a Wonderful One of Kind Writer


Top 5 New Author Discoveries

5. B.R. Flores for Trekachaw

4. Alex Michaelides for The Silent Patient

3. Stephanie Evelyn for The Cult Called Freedom House

2. Susan Bernhard for Winter Loon

1. Mason Deaver for I Wish You All the Best


My Top 10 Booktubers of 2019

9. The Bookchemist : https://www.youtube.com/Krokgard
8. The Shades of Orange : TheShadesofOrange
6. Ink and Paper Blog : InkandPaperBlog
5. Goblet of Fiction : GobletofFiction
4. Alex Black Reads : AlexBlackReads
3. Well Read Beard : WellReadBeard


Top 10 Writers you Should Be Reading

9. Ann H. Gabhary https://twitter.com/AnnHGabhart
8. Curtis M. Lawson https://twitter.com/c_lawson
7. Emily G. Thompson https://twitter.com/EmilyyyTeee
4. Cameron Roubique https://twitter.com/lil_cam_ron

Award for Best Debut Author

It's Actually two books tied into one.

And the Honor Goes to:

Michael Clark 

2. Dead Woman Scorned by Michael Clarke
1. The Patience of a Dead Man by Michael Clarke


My Choice for Book that Blew me Away this Year: Meaning I can't stop thinking about it.

Dear Laura

by  Gemma Amor


And Last but not Least:

My Choice of Book everyone should be reading:

Laurel Hightower's Whispers in the Dark

To Purchase or Read From Amazon


And to Close out this long and tiring Blog post I look at my most anticipated books of 2020

I was lucky enough to get a review copy of  Lullabies for Suffering: Here is my Review:  https://my-book-review-lullabies-for-suffering.html