Book Blog Entry 3: What I have been doing in the reading world.

I currently reread Mary Higgins Clark Where are the Children, the book that brought her into the realm of the Queen of Suspense. I reread it because Tuesday the sequel comes out Where are the Children Now, can't wait to read this next mysterious adventure, although it wont be by the Queen, God rest of mysterious suspenseful soul, but still I am looking forward to it. I read Where are the Children about 20 years ago so it was really like reading it all over again. I rate it 3.5 stars out of 5. Mary had an amazing way at creating truly diabolical villains. The bad guy in Where are the Children is truly twisted and creepy and one that lingers with you long after the book is over. A nightmarish villain.

I also finished The Cabin at the End of the World by Paul Tremblay. Fascinating book, wonderful character driven insanity. Loved the mystery and suspense and most of all the horror that took place. A really gifted storyteller. I rate it 4 out of 5 stars. Was really impressed and left you with all the unanswered possibilities of just what was happening and I love it for that. Sometimes unanswered questions in books are the perfect way to leave a reader spell bound and that is what The Cabin at the End of the World does. Loved it, highly recommend it. 

I am currently reading 3 Non-fiction books. The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Unsolved Mysterious which I am 77 percent done with. Also reading The Mammoth book of Unsolved Crimes which I am 62 percent done with. I am also reading American Conspiracies and Cover Ups which I am 71 percent done with. My favorite out of the 3 is The Mammoth Book of Unsolved Crimes, a fascinating look back on older crimes that have unanswered questions and realities of who-dunnit mentality. 

In the fiction reading I just started The Children of Red Peak by Craig Dilouie. I am about 30 percent done with it. So far mainly introduction of characters and flashbacks of memories. It seems like it's going to be an interesting read. 

I come to realize no matter what I do my To Be Read pile is always going to be growing and I will never finish it in my life time, LOL.

I have to mention in this blog write up about a book I recently read and which I reviewed, (Click Here to Read my Review) The Black Cabin by Wayne Fenlon. It is his debut novel and I am truly floored and happy about the brilliance of this experience in reading. Wayne is truly a gifted storyteller that deserves to be praised and talked about. The Black Cabin was a wonderful read. It had me in all kinds of emotional twists and reading wonders of imagination. If there is one thing you do today, or this coming week, buy The Black Cabin and experience a wild wonderful ride of prose. Wayne is an awesome human being and an amazing explorer of word play. Again I stand by my statements and say I highly recommend you seek out this book, here is the Amazon link to the book: Kindle Book/Paperback If you have Kindle Unlimited read it for free.

Also as you know if you follow my reviews, the latest reviews at the blog are Vial Thoughts by Van Essler put out by the amazing company RDS Press (Click Here to Read Review) Lunacy by Chris Coppel (Click here to Read Review), Celeste and the Witch Garden by Jude Gwynaire (Click here to Read Review), My Lady of Plagues by Elana Gomel (Click here to read Review), The Horrors of War by Tim Curran (Click here to Read Review), and The Secret of Crying Minds by A.L. Berggren (Click here to Read Review).

Till next time my fellow booklovers, read, read, read until your eyes bleed.